Dehoplast Polska Sp. z o. o.

Phone: +48 55 645 38 38


PPS belongs to semi-crystalline materials and offers very high mechanical and thermal performance and chemical resistance (usually temperatures up to approx. +150°C), high dimensional stability and creep strength. LOI is among the highest polymers. Thanks to the reinforcement with glass fibers, it achieves strength that is comparable to light metals. PPS closes the gap between technical synthetics and PEEK with its strength and economy.


  • elements in the machine production process
  • pump parts
  • fan rotors
  • fuel parts
  • automotive industry


  • very high strength and stiffness
  • high hardness
  • high thermo-high dimensional stability
  • very high chemical resistance
  • very good insulating properties
  • high resistance to weather conditions
  • high resistance to hydrolysis

Contact us


Dehoplast Poland – Your perfect solution in the field of plastics. Our company, with many years of experience and an individual approach, will provide you with the highest quality products, tailored to your needs. Contact us to find out how we can support your project and turn it into a success.

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